Dahlonega man arrested for kidnapping, aggravated assault and battery


LUMPKIN COUNTY, Ga. — A Dahlonega man was charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault, aggravated battery and false imprisonment after he allegedly attacked a 45-year-old woman at her home on Elbert Gaddis Road on Tuesday (Aug. 4).

According to the incident report, when a deputy with the Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office arrived in response to a physical domestic in progress, the woman was lying on the driveway bruised and bloodied as Chase Martin Howard, 22, attempted to cover her mouth and drag her into an outbuilding. He attempted to flee, but was handcuffed and taken into custody.

The woman said Howard moved into her house shortly after being released from jail and they began to argue. She said he busted her television, threw her to the floor and from that point on, she was held against her will.

She said she had been kicked and hit in the back of the head, ribs, back, and stomach repeatedly. She suffered multiple bone fractures around her eye and a broken nose during the attack.


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