Sheriff’s Office blood drive set Friday


LUMPKIN COUNTY, Ga. — Some consequences of COVID-19 are readily apparent. Twice a day the Georgia Department of Health reports how many people have contracted the disease, how many have been hospitalized and how many have died.

But some consequences are not as apparent. For example, health experts say the pandemic has led to thousands of blood drive cancellations as Americans shelter in place. The nation’s blood supply is dwindling even though the need for emergency surgeries has not declined. In America alone, 32,000 pints of blood are needed daily to perform life-saving operations. Each pint donated can save up to three lives.

Surgeon General Jerome Adams, MD, MPH, expressed the need for blood donations on the organization’s website. “You can still go out and give blood,” he said. “We’re worried about shortages in the future. Social distancing does not mean social disengagement.”

One local organization is doing it’s part to donate life-saving blood. The Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office has a LifeSouth Community Blood Center blood drive scheduled Friday (Apr. 24) from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Blood collection agencies like LifeSouth take extra precautions to ensure the safety of donors and employees. Employees and donors will be required to wear masks. Staff will disinfect the blood mobile between each donation and distancing requirements will be in place.

Jarrard experienced first-hand the importance of blood donations after being diagnosed with cancer in 2013. “I’m thankful for the people who donated blood when I needed it,” he said. “When they put in a call for blood, they had to have three buses come up here to collect it.”

The Sheriff’s Office has been sponsoring blood drives since 2013. More than 25 people have signed up to donate blood at Friday’s drive. No more can be accepted at this time, however, Jarrard said they are already in the process of scheduling another drive soon.


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