What’s the Beef All About?


The big argument going on in America right now is not really between Republicans and
Democrats, but what our founding fathers intended for us, a pathway to individual rights and
responsibilities then unknown in Europe, and what the Marxist Democrat mob now wants, the
collectivization of the people under the Socialist leadership of our self appointed ‘betters.’

Our Constitution, supposedly protected by a deep and certain belief in its truths, is actually
treated like a mere piece of paper. Often ignored, as frequently vilified and, as we are realizing,
under Democrats, now the earnest object of change because it supposedly does not really
serve the people, i.e.: the Collective! They attack the Electoral College process because it
doesn’t serve their idea of the popular democratic (majority) vote. The “deplorable’s” in the
hinterland, needn’t vote, they need socialist guidance.

But, instantly the disarmed people of a “democratic” state realized they’ve been hoodwinked by
their communist masters and start a fuss, the odious apparatus created by the state, like the
street thugs of the SA and SD of Nazi Germany, the Fascists of Mussolini’s Italy, the NKVD of
Lenin’s Bolshevik Russia and today’s anarchists will move into action to ruthlessly intimidate,
bully, assault and stamp out all possible dissent. Friendly persuasion is not a tool of compliance.

The Communist cadres that make up the American Democrat Party, not now in a position to
officially loose the hounds of hell on a resisting populous, still see it as their Marxist duty to try.
So, we have the Black Live’s Matter, the Antifa’s, Pink Hat ladies, & etc., ignorant protesters
swarming out onto the streets to reek mayhem and discontent with government(s) at every
level, from the streets of Ferguson, Mo. and Baltimore, Md. to the very Halls of Congress, trying
to effect changes that suit them, as our masters, but certainly not the American constitution.

It is not an exaggeration to say the more government inserts itself into our personal affairs, like
the eight years of Obama did, the more individual freedoms we lose. The more intrusive the
government’s regulatory powers, the greater is the threat to our live’s. Lacking popular support
for their harebrained schemes, they’ve turned to control through judiciary fiat, another scheme
to abridge the Constitution thwarted by Donald Trumps election.

Since the Democrat Kavanaugh debacle, the political forces behind Democrat opposition to our
Constitution now considers the US Senate to be the next threat to their schemes. They see the
Senate as an old, staid institution of white people that has outlived its potential usefulness.
Our freedoms did not come as a gift to enrich one race, the Europeans who came here to create
a country unlike any other, where the playing field is level so all can enjoy the same rights to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness and not suffer helplessly under the boot heels of a majority
mob who demands acquiescence to the “collective.” Their losses are mounting.

The Democrats desperation is now manifest in actual attacks against conservatives, shouting in
their faces in public places, pushing and shoving, pulling up campaign signs, a stabbing, and
even a shooting. The plot of the character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh was the
Democrats peripeteia situation. Conservatives should expect attacks to continue.

Personal freedom is inversely proportional to governmental action and will not exist for those
who do not exercise it. Once we submit ourselves to the collective, we can then be sacrificed to
the whim of tyranny. And that’s what the beef is all about.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (19Oct18)

Senator David Perdue: Making U.S. Companies More Competitive Is A Top Priority

Politics, State & National

Senator David Perdue: We’re One Step Closer To Getting Tax Done This Year

Politics, State & National

Senator David Perdue: We’re One Step Closer To Getting Tax Done This Year

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement after the U.S. Senate moved one step closer to fixing our tax code this year:

“Let’s be very clear. This budget is a sham and the entire budget process is a fraud being perpetrated on the American people. Only four times in the past 43 years has the budget process fully worked to fund the government on time. The only reason we’re even doing the budget like this is to get tax done this year.

“In the middle of the dog-and-pony show tonight there was a glimmer of hope. Senator Whitehouse and I teamed up to author a bipartisan amendment to acknowledge our frustration with the budget process and the need to fix it. The U.S. Senate agreed unanimously that the budget process is broken. Getting the entire U.S. Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, to acknowledge the futility of the current budget process and the political side shows that come with it, is a step in the right direction. We need to fix this.

“It is all related. In order for the federal government to have the ability to act on our national priorities, we must solve the debt crisis. To solve the debt crisis, we have to fix our budget process. Job one is getting the economy going, and the economy will move if we get this tax deal done. It’s as simple as that.”

The U.S. Senate unanimously agreed by a voice vote to Senator Perdue’s bipartisan amendment with Senator Whitehouse that acknowledges Congress’ broken budget process (Perdue 1167).

Senator David Perdue Addresses Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber

State & National

Senator David Perdue Applauds President Trump’s Move To Increase Access To Insurance

Politics, State & National

Senator David Perdue Applauds President Trump’s Move To Increase Access To Insurance  

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) comments on President Trump’s action today to provide Americans’ relief from Obamacare:

“President Trump has proven once again he is willing to take bold action, even when Congress won’t. This action today will bring relief to the millions of Americans unable to obtain affordable health insurance because of Obamacare. This law is collapsing under its own weight and hurting millions of Americans. It needs to be fully repealed. In the meantime, I applaud the President’s courage to take action and support this move emphatically.”

Senator David Perdue Discusses Tax Priorities On Fox Business

Politics, State & National

Senator David Perdue Discusses Tax Priorities On Fox Business

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) spoke with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network’s Mornings With Maria about President Trump’s efforts to overhaul the tax code to help middle-class families and make America more competitive.


Acting on Tax: “The first thing is to get this tax bill that the President wants passed. The reason we need this tax package is to get the economy growing again and to put people back to work.”

Driving A Solution: “Right now I’m moving on and trying to drive to a solution on tax. I’m really optimistic that we will get to a tax bill because this economy wants to turn. Consumer optimism is at a 16-year high right now. If we move on this tax fix, I believe we’ll see a nice rebound next year.”

Lowering Rates: “We have to get the corporate tax rate as low as we can. President Trump wants 15 percent and so do I.”

Investing Back Home: “We can clean up corporate welfare as we work on deductions, but the real thing is we’ve got to eliminate is the repatriation tax. There is between $2 and $3 trillion stuck overseas in U.S. profits. That money can come back into the country as a capital investment and create jobs.”

Solving Fiscal Problems: “Job one is get the economy going, then start working on these redundant agencies. I believe if we get tax done this year, the economy starts to work, then we can start saving social security, whose trust fund goes to zero in 17 years, and Medicare.”

Senator David Perdue: August 2017 In Photos



Failure To Deliver On Tax Is Not An Option


Rep. Collins: “Speaker Will Keep Us Through Christmas” for Tax Bill

GMFTO, News, Politics

9th Congressional district Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) spoke exclusively to FYNTV on Friday’s edition of Good Morning From the Office. Collins spoke on a multitude of issues, from the executive actions regarding Obamacare, to his personal crusade for adequate internet service and competition in rural Northeast Georgia. However, his remarks regarding tax reform were quite revealing. According to Collins, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) has informed House members that he will keep the House in session, if necessary, throughout the Christmas recess in order to pass tax reform.

The tax question is asked around the 11:00 minute mark of the FULL INTERVIEW below.

BKP: From the House side, will we get tax reform?

Rep. Collins: Yes. I feel very comfortable, in fact, it is the top priority for us in leadership, and the speaker. In fact, the speaker put us on notice yesterday (Thursday) that he would keep us through Christmas or any other holiday to make sure it gets done this year. It was very disturbing to hear some members of the Senate saying “Well, we gotta negotiate, it may be the first of the year” No. It’s time to get behind the American people, time to get behind the President and pass tax reform. It’s way past due.

Senator David Perdue: The RAISE Act Should Be Part Of Congress’ Immigration Solution


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