Dahlonega woman charged with aggravated assault

Business, News

LUMPKIN COUNTY, Ga. — A 30-year-old Daholenega woman was arrested last week on charges that she assaulted her mother at a residnce on Hwy. 52 in Lumpkin County.

Tiffany Dunagan is charged with aggravated assault, battery-family violence and cruelty to children.

According the Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office incident report, Dunagan punched her mother, Juli Dunagan, in the face twice and slapped one of the juveniles present in the face before fleeing the residence

Juli Dunagan told authorities she believed her daughter was under the influence of alcohol or possibly methamphetamine.

Dunagan was arrested at the Adam Circle Apartments in Lumpkin County.


Fetch Your News is a hyper local news outlet that covers Dawson, Lumpkin, White, Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, Union, Towns and Murray counties as well as Cherokee County in N.C. FYN attracts 300,000+ page views per month, 3.5 million impressions per month and approximately 15,000 viewers per week on FYNTV.com and up to 60,000 Facebook page reach. If you would like to follow up-to-date local events in any of those counties, please visit us at FetchYourNews.com

Lee arrested for battery, cruelty to children


LUMPKIN COUNTY, Ga. – Christopher DeWayne Lee, 34 of Dahlonega, has been charged with third degree cruelty to children and battery –family violence following a domestic incident on Ben Higgins Road Saturday (May 28).

According to an incident report by the Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office, the victim, Tesha May Robertson, 28, returned home from work to find Lee intoxicated. Robertson stated that Lee began calling her names and when she asked him to stop, he slapped her on the ear, pushed her onto the bed and bit her. The report states there were visible signs of both.

The cruelty to children charge stems from the fact that a juvenile witnessed the incident.

The report further states that Lee was heavily intoxicated and gave contradictory statements to deputies. He first stated he had not bit Robertson, but later admitted he did. Deputies handcuffed him and took him to the Lumpkin County Detention Center.



Fetch Your News is a hyper local news outlet that covers Dawson, Lumpkin, White, Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, Union, Towns and Murray counties as well as Cherokee County in N.C. FYN attracts 300,000+ page views per month, 3.5 million impressions per month and approximately 15,000 viewers per week on FYNTV.com and up to 60,000 Facebook page reach. If you would like to follow up-to-date local events in any of those counties, please visit us at FetchYourNews.com



Lumpkin County woman charged with battery


LUMPKIN COUNTY, Ga. – A 53-year-old Lumpkin County woman was arrested last week on charges of simple assault, simple battery and two counts of cruelty to children in the third degree, following an altercation with her daughter at 780 King Richard Court in Murrayville.

Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office deputy Kyle Kupari and Sgt. Rebecca Nix responded to a domestic call at 2:20 p.m. on April 15. According to the arrest report, Joni Deanne Etris said her mother, Juanita Hunt, had been staying at her home and watching her two children while she was at work. She told deputies that when she got home from work, she and her mother got into a heated argument that got out of hand and her mother pushed her.

One of the juveniles said there was a video of the incident and, after viewing the video, deputies arrested Hunt, placed her in handcuffs and transported her to the Lumpkin County Detention Center.


Fetch Your News is a hyper local news outlet that covers Dawson, Lumpkin, White, Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, Union, Towns and Murray counties as well as Cherokee County in N.C. FYN attracts 300,000+ page views per month, 3.5 million impressions per month and approximately 15,000 viewers per week on FYNTV.com and up to 60,000 Facebook page reach. If you would like to follow up-to-date local events in any of those counties, please visit us at FetchYourNews.com








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