Short Takes – Two Weeks

Opinion, Politics

Written and Submitted By: George McClellen


Americans have been conned by the outrageous lies of Democrats. Within two weeks America will know if it will remain the beacon of hope for all people or will we slide into the abyss of third world violence, totalitarism and slavery. True Americans are not going to allow Democrats with their mail in ballot schemes to ruin our country. Americans will not accept demented Joe Biden who would soon die, leaving Marxist Kamala Harris as President. No one wanted her! 


Americas accepted values of civility were inexorably altered in Minneapolis, Mn, when Floyd George, a black two-bit thief, robber, fraudster and drug user, died at police hands while being arrested for passing a counterfeit twenty. Democrats saw an opportunity and went crazy elevating this thug to Saintly status, eulogizing  his worthless life in funerals in three different cities. The “pity show” for poor Floyd George went on for days and gullible Americans, thinking they could assuage their whiteness, sent in thousands of dollars to a cadre of Marxist revolutionaries, mostly white morons, whose aim is to overthrow the United States of America and replace it with fascism.


What happens then? Fascism of course!  We’ve already experienced multiple robberies and street violence to show respect and deep grief for the unlamented George. Violence swept the US and then went world wide into a planed and coordinated attack against western values. Nobody was left untouched. Black as well as white businesses were looted and burned, counter protests were quickly shut down with violence by Antifa’s, Police ordered to stand down and streets cordoned off from fire and medical aid and, the murders of eighty-nine policemen.


The most useless presidential candidate ever to take the field, Joe Biden, fell to his knees and wept. Whose got a violin? I’ll turn the weepy pages. So did the wicked old lady of the House, and her silly looking cohorts of Progressive sympathizers, wearing bits of African cloth around their necks, presumably to show solidarity with poor George Floyd. All lies!


Americans are beyond reasoning with these people. They lie! It’s in their DNA and they cannot stop themselves. They are products of the teachings of now long dead Socialists like John Dewey, Betty Friedan. William James, Alfred Kinsey, Aldous Huxley Benjamin Bloom, B.F.  Skinner, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Saul Alinsky, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Sanger, Roger Baldwin and many others whose wicked philosophies are borne out on our streets today.


Joe Biden is a cannon ball on a pitching deck for Democrats. Even with a Teleprompter and aides standing at his elbow, he can’t get it right. He refuses to answer questions about his son, Hunter Biden’s wealthy involvement with both the Ukraine and China; denies having even consulted with Hunter on any of these issues and even in the face of irrefutable evidence, denies any wrong doing.


Democrats are totally corrupt! Everything to them is politics for power and they’ll sign on with the devil to get it. Speaking of which, lurking in the wings is China’s Emperor Ji jingping, aided and abetted by Hunter Biden who sold his fathers influence as VP to Americas enemies for millions. 

This is the epitome of the Deep State Swamp that president Trump has promised to drain. They are fighting back with lies, lies and more lies and yet, we see no movement in the Halls of Justice to bring these creatures to book! We’re two weeks away from a reckoning. If they win, Joe and Hunter may be the richest men in America, lackeys to Emperor Ji Jingping.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get angry! (18Oct20)

BLM and the Coming Danger


By stealth and design, America, over the past five decades has allowed itself to be enveloped in the soothing fog of socialism where its corrosive philosophy has been allowed to incubate in our public schools until ultimately, it has let loose the legions of corrosive thinking cretins, BLM’s, now attacking and burning our towns and cities, indeed our Americanism disguised as peaceful protesters but, anarchists all. The scary thing is that these people are for most part, Americans.


I am slightly confused. I always thought that BLM identified the Bureau of Land Management, a government quasi law enforcement entity to protect Americas wide open spaces and Indian reservations. I was alarmed when BLM got directly involved against private enterprise when they assumed a Nevada rancher, the Bundy family, were in violation of some land use rules empowering them, the BLM, to seize Bundy’s cattle without due process. This occurred under a Democrat government when then House Speaker Harry Reid, wanted the land Bundy used for cattle grazing to sell to a renewable energy company to install solar collectors. That constituted an Executive Action requiring a legal punishment, (theft of Bundy’s cattle), an unconstitutional act, unless they got away with it. They didn’t, and that part of the story died. Also quickly ignored was the singular fact that armed American citizens confronted the BLM usurpers and prevailed.


In any event, we are now confronted with a different BLM, hoards of black clad young, mostly white Americans, organized or not, volunteering for political reasons or for pay, to support the BLM group of self styled and admitted Marxists who are determined to bring America down. 


As this lot runs around city streets and cafes attempting to humiliate dining patrons, it is more an  expression of Maoism than Marxism. In any event, their mission is the same, destroy America. A shocking video interview of a young white male with a plastic face shield truthfully answering the interviewer’s questions, admitted that capitalism had to be overthrown and replaced by  socialism. By his attitude he thought it was an event sure to happen. Where did he get such anti-American ideas? From the revisionists of American history, in the Common Core syllabus indoctrinating its neophytes about how rotten America has been to people of color, to the poor and the undocumented immigrants swarming here for a better life, free of charge of course! 


America’s long and successful exercise in representative government, where decorum between contending ideas, (except for the Civil War period), even with those that clearly flouted the US Constitution, were argued out in the public domaine with a basically honest media reporting the results, not trying to make them. All that has been washed away with the corrupting marriage between commerce and government, the source of the vast pot of easy cash endlessly flowing to buy the votes of politicians. That’s one step away from Fascism, Mussolini’s idea that one can keep his business so long as his business produces what government tells him to produce. 


Nobody could seriously believe that Joe Biden is up 16 points over Donald Trump except CNN who said so. That’s a fear inducing tactic! What is happening is a post Trump Leftist scheme to give us two choices in what government, we will have, Fascism or Communism, aka: Socialism. To Democrats, it really makes no difference because both concepts are Far Left and will only survives under the heel of Totalitarian, protected by a police state. 


Mostly, Americans now live comfortably adjusting to deflation and inflation, lower interests rates and affordable fuel and food prices. That comfort could soon end and Conservative Americans must be prepared for two choices, give in or water the roots of the Liberty Tree. 

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, let’s get awesome! (06Oct20)

Political Language at War


The great political philosopher George Orwell once opined: ”Political language is designed to
make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure
wind.” Once, well crafted political speech, like that Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan
produced, were magical in their rhetorical realism and their prophetic truths.

Political speech should be beyond propaganda, to change minds by persuasion, debate and
agreement. But, as we have seen in the recent displays of the Democrat party’s total
derangement, there can no longer be any attempt at calm discussion on dissenting opinions.

Democrats have made political speech positively dangerous. Conservative ‘Tweets for
example, except for Trumps, will immediately bring down the heavens on the head of any
‘tweeter’ who supports Kavanaugh or Trump or, like the astronaut who liked a Churchill quote
and found the demons of heaven rained down on his head to the point he actually thought it
necessary to apologize and promise to reexamine and reevaluate his politically incorrect
thinking. Just when Republicans in Congress are showing some backbone by their solid
defense of Justice Kavanaugh, this guy displays craven weakness.

Words mean something unless, by Democrats definition, they mean something else. Changing
definitions of words makes them lies but, when repeated over and over again and are not
challenged as propaganda or fake news, they seem to automatically assume a life of their own
and replace the original definitions of words we once recognized as good and wholesome.
“What was right is wrong” and etc. Political speech, by Democrats, is dangerous.

Indoctrination by our colleges and universities has turned out the mental misfits we saw
screaming from the Senate gallery, and in the halls and offices of Senators during the
Kavanaugh confirmation process. Were these young women really that stupid or did the
indoctrination really work? Shockingly, I think they worked. Democrats now anticipate a
conditioned response from their followers. How should Conservatives classify these people?

The higher educational experience is the dumbing down process and the brainwashing used to
create a class that hates America. It has left our politically active youth a spectacle of shame,
ignorance and ineptitude. These women have become loyal subjects subservient to the Marxist
ideals that legitimizes the new political order that Democrats have worked to achieve.

This started several generations ago by Marxists, to create a nation of obedient zombies
dedicated to the State, in other words, a class that accepts the infallibility of big government.
Presently, there are no longer enough Democrat politicians to forcibly move the ball forward so
they must enlist their minions of zombies to take to the floor and the streets and the steps of the
buildings of government to scream their outrage at the loss they are suffering at the hands of
Donald Trump. If you love America, you can’t possibly vote for any Democrat.

In the aftermath of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Sens. Lindsay Graham, Chuck Grassley and
Mitch McConnell have advanced the political language of war and thrown it in the laps of
Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, et. al.
Reluctantly or not, by following Trump’s lead maybe, just maybe, the Republicans have got their
“groove back!” Let the fights begin!!!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (08Oct18)

Mass Shootings: Guns, Games, or God?


Why is it that every time there is a shooting in this country, my feeds get flooded by blame. All I see is article after article on who or what I should be blaming for the latest shooting. “It’s because of video game violence!” “No, it’s the gun control laws!” “It’s about religion.” “Blame the parents.” “Blame the government.” “Blame anybody who doesn’t agree with me.”

Ultimately, I understand that people want to find a cause. That way they can turn off the valve, right? Cut off the source, stop the flow, end the violence. I need to run to the hospital for the whiplash as I get dragged in one direction after another. Is there a real answer, no. Maybe that’s why we’re all so confused.

In a society so focused on the individual, so inundated by the idea of one above all, there is no room left for love. Hate crimes, hate groups, home-grown terrorism, it all points to one thing for me. Stop being so selfish. We have so many people hating so much about this country, its people, its leaders, and its laws that I find no surprise anymore in these shootings.

How is a man supposed to respond to the world that he has found. And yes, I say ‘man.’ In 2019 alone, it seems like every time I look at a shooting of more than five people, its a guy. No, it’s not 100 percent, but it is overwhelming. When I look around, I see people screaming at each other about beliefs. Take a moment and search it yourself, I can promise you right now, I can find at least 20 videos of people filming with their phones a confrontation with people protesting. At least 18 of those videos are going to end up in screaming match with one or, more likely, both sides not even listening to each other.

It’s all about me today. I am god. I am the truth. How dare you not agree with me?

And if you are reading this thinking, “Oh, you tell those leftist idiots! They never listen.” Then you are part of the problem.

Again, if you are reading this thinking, “It’s about time someone stood up to those Right Wing nutjobs.” Then you, too, are part of the problem.

People talk about how racism is flooding our nation hating on Hispanics, degrading Blacks, ignoring Whites, and despising anyone else. Heck, I’m probably racist for not listing every single oppressed group like LGBTQ. But this is exactly the problem. We all hate everything that isn’t all about ‘me.’

Let me tell you about something I read on Social Media recently. It was a story about a teacher educating students on the Salem Witch Trials. I read that this teacher decided to play a game with the students. The teacher said they were going to go to each student in the class and whisper to them if they were a witch or a normal citizen.

The teacher proceeded until every student had a designation and then told them that they were to collect into groups. The largest group of students that didn’t have a witch in the group would receive an ‘A’ for the day. The rest of the students not in that group would fail. Likewise, if there was a witch in every group, then the witches would receive the ‘A’ and the other students would fail.

Soon, several groups had formed but quickly began distrusting anyone not already in their group. The hate spread quickly as they shunned each other for the slightest hints of being a ‘witch.’

As the time limit neared its end and the groups were solidifying into solid “cliques” of ‘us vs them.’ The teacher called for the students attention. The time of judgment had come. The teacher then asked every student who they had designated a witch to raise their hand…

The problem was that nobody raised a hand.

The students then turned on the teacher saying that the teacher had done something wrong and the game wasn’t fair. The teacher then explained, “Do you think there was actual witches anywhere in Salem? All I did was release you to act on what you were told, the same they did in Salem.”

Just like the students in this story, I find it quite telling how quickly people in this country abandon humanity. They lose cooperation in favor of segregation. You’re a republican so everything you say is biased drivel that promotes racism and gun violence. You’re a Liberal, so you must only be out to subvert society and erode life.

I feel like the more young people I talk to tend to identify as a middle ground or third party political standing. Maybe it has something to do with our society being more interested in classifying, separating, and statistically quantifying people so much that they are willing to listen to anything with numbers instead of sitting down and taking the time to understand the intricacies of each other.

We are selfish. Instead of generalizing those “Millenials” as lazy, greedy kids who want everything for free, listen to the underlying concerns of wanting to make things like healthcare and education more accessible so that the entire country can be healthier and more educated. Instead of calling those Second Amendment advocates violent sociopaths, try to understand the point that guns mean protection from intruders and shooters, but also from a government that may subdue the population and abuse their right to govern.

Don’t get caught up in the screaming, but also don’t passively agree just to avoid an argument. I know people who will continue arguing a debate just to argue and anger the other person. Even if these people know they are wrong, they don’t care, they don’t want to lose. They are selfish people who don’t build to an answer, they build tension.

One should go into a debate absolutely convinced of their belief with examples to support them, but they should also be open to listening and understanding the other side of the debate. A debate is not a fight, it’s a learning experience. I argue and debate with people to test my thoughts and beliefs. I may still come out believing what I believe or I may come out with a changed mind, but I always learn something and add to my knowledge.

And on that note, don’t degrade and put down people who change their minds. Maybe if we talk to people, try to understand them, they wouldn’t feel so alone with us and violent against us. Maybe we could reduce the mass shootings or find an actual answer instead of just blaming video games or gun laws.

Stop fighting against other groups and start intermingling because, I promise you people, there are no “witches” in this game.

Short Takes – Disintegration By Their Own Hand


Disintegration By Their Own Hand

The more Democrats take offense at Trump’s personality quirks, the more they try to create damming issues out of his ‘tweets,’ the more they struggle against the will of the voters who put Trump in office, the deeper they descend into the quicksand of the irrelevance they’re already facing. They are a wounded party that is seriously divided, and lacking adult leadership.

For example “Dickie” Durban, sat on a Senate committee arguing with the Secretary of the DHS about what word Trump actually said about S__t hole countries, that she was present at. Well, Dickie was there too. So what?  Dicky reveals mendacity at its worse but he’s really exposing the Left’s descent into oblivion. Their dysfunction is evident and destructive, to them, and they don’t see it. Their disintegration is well underway.

The three Democrat senators and the three Republican senators, supposedly presenting a compromise DACA plan to the President like he asked for, actually didn’t present any new plan at all as Trump wanted, but offered instead a rehash of the Democrats same old compromise, amnesty for DACA’s or no spending bill.

And, as always, the compromise came in with the usual suspects in the GOP agreeing to the Democrat agenda. I thought that at the last election we were through with that nonsense. In other words, the Democrats have thrown the dice and are willing to shut down the government, thinking Trump will cave just like Republicans always do, thereby securing for them the future of the Democratic voting base. “Dickie” Durban even threatened Trump with withdrawing the support of the Congressional Black Caucus. It must have shocked him (Dickie) when Trumps told him he didn’t care about the CBC, their demands or what their opinion was. Trump fends off all such attacks from the hysterical Left leaving them bereft of suitable answers except obstruction.

Mueller’s investigation opened a veritable can of worms, for the Democrats. Mueller still threatens to interview Trump, under Miranda warning presumably, to attempt to extract any level of negative admission from him that could be hung around his neck. All this, while the case against Hillary Clinton’s negligence and gross mishandling of America’s Top Secret/SCI/NOFORN  communications, felonies by the way, and her grubby hand in the Uranium One business, is regaining strength. Once that ball gets rolling it will sweep up all before it. Clearly, the institutional deep state wall that was protecting the Clintons is disintegrating.

The Clinton cabal of DoJ & FBI enablers and protectors is peeling off like onion skins beneath the knife and the eye stinging burn of criminal culpability is drawing attention to the mess that Clinton made. It’s a race to see who goes down first, Trump or Hillary. Today, new FBI Director Wray seems intent on mending the Bureau’s torn ties to Congress by dismantling the Comey led ring that enameled the Clintons and the DNC to wallow in criminality without consequence. As demanded, the FBI has finally delivered subpoenaed documents to Congress concerning the decision making process that led to Comey’s decision not to prosecute Hillary, or anyone else, for recklessly compromising national security. It’s a wide net being thrown and will harvest many.

Hillary was a damaged candidate and the Left wouldn’t believe it. If they did, it was ignored and against all pundit predictions, Hillary, the key to protecting the Deep State, lost her rigged election to a real non political firebrand, exactly what Americans wanted. No more giving in to demands of socialist Political Correctness. No more free flow of illegals and their strings of family, no more national socialism.  Elections do have consequence.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (18Jan18)

Former Political Candidate Sentenced


Short Takes – Political Pipe Dreams


Political Pipe Dreams

As 2017 comes screeching to its inevitable but satisfactory conclusion, it’s clear that Progressive “Visions of Sugar Plums Dancing in Their Heads,” sweeping the Congress back into Democrat hands in 2018, are actually turning into Pipe Dreams. Hope is not a battle plan.

The gallimaufry of the Democrat party is evidence enough that they are in deep trouble. Virginia and Alabama election victories aside, they will be unable to rally enough voters to their banner when their entire sales pitch has been trashed by its own failures. Their red banner, upon which is emblazoned a yellow hammer and sickle, is no longer appealing to Americans. A catharsis is in the making for Democrats. Which direction will they go, further “Left” into the deep dark recesses of totalitarianism or make a right turn back into the sunlight of Constitutionalism?

Reports are surfacing even now, that Latino Congressman, Gutierrez, and others, got into a shouting match with Senator Chuckie Schumer over their party’s failure to stop the GOP’s tax cuts or, and especially important  to Latino Democrats, failing to include the DACA act as a non negotiable item to be removed. Special interest groups, like the Congressional Latinos, are now engage in vituperative attacks against an elderly white Senators from New York, because there is no direction anymore, there is no leadership in that sector and a catharsis is coming.

There are simply too many chefs in the Democrat kitchen for an effective menu of their socialist  

political nonsense to be prepared and dished up when the dining area is emptying of patrons. Not everyone wants a steady diet of “arroz con pollo or Tacos y enchiladas.”

And, what happened to the Congressional Black Caucus? With intellectual illuminaries like Sheila Jackson Lee who says, It’s a direct result of Trump’s racist hatred of African Americans that caused an American Airlines plane to derail in Washington state. Just another way to genocide us.” or Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson who opined the island of Guam could capsize if a brigade of US Marines were stationed there. They remain silent.

And, the disease spreads as we see happening in the UN. I love the defiant reaction of the UN’s General Assembly to President Trump’s comment” “Let ‘em, I don’t care!”  in response to Trump’s threat to relieve non cooperative countries of the burden of how to spend the money the American taxpayers gifts them each year. Oh, woe! What a silly vote, to deny the US its right to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital or denying the US its right to move its embassy there.

What this all means is that America has leadership again. Trump, a successful, apodictic  businessman, not obliged to agree with his political handlers, but whose realistic visions has determined that America needs to be led from the front not from behind, is leading. Happily, enough voters agreed with him that America’s turnaround, while painful for some, is a relief for most.

How can it be possible for the Socialist Democrat program of top down collectivism compete with the future financial success that Donald Trump is introducing? Democrat ‘happy talk’ of fairness for all, specifically does not include any but the victims, losers, perverts and favored politicians that has been hung around America’s neck like the proverbial albatross since the social programs of the 1960’s and even earlier. Confidence is returning to America. People feel it, see it and know it. “Merry Christmas” has returned to the market place again. That can’t be bad, except to Progressives who still dwell in their pipe dreams.

Remember freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (22Dec17)

State National 4/6/16


Wisconsin’s aftermath and the coming political storm…

Morning Monologue 2/26/16


BKP’s State of the Union Address

George’s Short Minutes 2/26/16


Stay Tuned for Chaos?

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