Council Reappoints Member to DDA/Main Street Board

Business, Community, Health

Dahlonega, Ga.- The City Council reappointed Donna Logan to the DDA/Main Street Board at their meeting on September 7.

The council also approved the FY2021 third-quarter budget amendment and the banking service contract renewal.

The City Council reappoints Donna Logan to the Downtown Development Authority/ Main Street Board. Mrs. Logan is currently the longest-serving member on the board.

“Donna you are a veteran and I can not say enough how much we appreciate your public service through the years and you keep spinning out hits so they keep bringing you back,” congratulated Mayor Sam Norton.

Finance Director Allison Martin brought the FY2021 third-quarter budget amendment to the council for their approval. The revenue changes to the budget are 12,000.00 to the Local Option Sales Tax, 22,586.00 from transfers in from other funds, and 701,995.00 in Appropriated Fund Balance.

The FY21 budget, the changes are in Bold.

The expenditure changes to the budget are 12,000.00 in Legislative, 22,586.00 in General Administration, 3,326.00 in Maintenance and Shop, 3,995.00 in Community Development, 830.00 in Contingentices, 10,156.00 in Principle-Notes, and 704,000.00 in transfers out to other funds.

This gives a total of 736,851.00 in Revenues and 736,851.00 in expenditure changes. The council did vote to approve the changes to the budget. To see the full layout of the FY2021 budget visit file:///home/chronos/u-24e9d901837ca97689469b2093c9623467e062a1/MyFiles/FetchYourNews/City%20Council%209-7/MEET-Packet-f9326f71e8344f6799a893341d657d0e.pdf

“I want to make sure the public understands that the city is in excellent financial condition, that’s not something we should take lightly in light of what’s going on around the country, we are very blessed to be in this stable financial condition,” explained Councilmen Ron Lawson.

Martin also presented the United Community Bank Contract renewal for the council to consider. The bank is offering a variable rate not fixed. This is due to the current market levels. The council approved this contract renewal.

Lastly, due to the rise in the delta variant, the merchants on the square will not be hosting trick or treating again this year. The city council supports their decision and advises that people use their best judgment when it comes to trick or treating this year.

Many of the city council members are also strongly encouraging those who have not been vaccinated to get it for their own wellbeing and that of those around them. For more information on the vaccine visit

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